Making it safe; ISB’s NEW MERLIN 4000 Press Brake Guarding Sales Video and Brochure has arrived. Read the back story of how the concept was developed.
July 19, 2021
The exact dates escape me, but it was in the fall of 1987and I was returning from a long sales trip through upstate New York. I had just completed my final sales call at a sheet metal shop that was looking to solve their press brake guarding requirements. Back in the day, ISB safeguarded press brakes using its conventional safety light curtain with manual beam blank out and floating beam technology, just like all the other safety light curtain manufacturers on the market. I demonstrated my light curtain successfully, but I can tell that they weren’t sold. I asked the customer to talk to me and tell me what they are thinking. Without hesitation, they shared their frustration with me. They used to make bends using manual back gauges and what I was proposing would have worked well, but they are spending several thousand dollars or more per press brake to install automatic back gauging systems, allowing them to make several bends consecutively, therefore they only have to handle the fabricated part once to apply all the bends. Their concern was that whatever they gained in productivity by installing the back gauges, was being lost to implementing the new safety systems. I agreed that they were making a great point and would get back to them. I had several hours of windshield time driving back home and the idea of developing a safety light curtain that stepped the blank out pattern in conjunction with the back gauging systems began taking on a life of its own. In the following weeks I spoke to several of the larger sheet metal fabricators that were using my safety lights and every one of them expressed the same concerns. There was clearly a need to develop some new technology and ISB certainly answered the call. Shortly after, I enthusiastically made my sales pitch to ISB’S President and Founder, Armen Kazandjian. He agreed that our light curtain technology must keep up with the machine’s technology or we might as well not sell it. Immediately, he threw all our engineering resources in to developing the first generation ISB-PRO and made it the focus of his life’s work to promote the evolution of our proprietary concept for the next 30 years and 3 generations later, including acquiring TUV / CE Type 4 Certification for world-wide use. The Merlin 4000 has become the ultimate product for guarding Press Brakes, regardless of machine type or tooling.
Please take a few minutes to view the MERLIN 4000 Sales Video and our most recent BROCHURE.
NEW MERLIN 4000 SALES VIDEO LINK; https://test.isblite.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/ISB-Merlin-4000-intro.mp4
Latest version of the MERLIN 4000 SALES BROCHURE LINK; https://test.isblite.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Merlin4000_Brochure_60-4020-01_rev03.pdf
Don’t hesitate to contact us if we can help safeguard your machines. As always, your comments are welcome.
Tony Caruso
Vice President of Sales & Marketing
(Cell) 203 331-3938
Website; www.test.isblite.com
E-mail; tonyc@test.isblite.com