Making it safe; Older press brakes are not a problem for the ISB MERLIN 4000 Press Brake Guarding System.
April 23, 2021
ISB recently installed MERLIN 4000 Safeguarding Packages on a number up-acting Guiful and Adira Press Brakes that were manufactured in the early 1980’s. Safeguarding older press brakes comes with a series of added challenges. These machines were factory supplied with a mechanical foot treadle that directly allowed the operator to have full control of the hydraulic oil flow to the cylinders that cycles the machine. In order to successfully install a safety package, a well-experienced technician must first install hydraulic valves with electric solenoids to provide full control in order to stop the ram from closing when a hazard exists. as well as to hold the ram in place. A custom-built PLC / Safety Relay Package must also be engineered to properly control the operation of these added solenoid valves as well as to provide control reliable tie-in points for the safeguarding system. The installations shown were performed by Blount’s Press Brake (www.blountspressbrake.com)
As for older mechanical press brakes, ISB also manufactures a Resolver-Based Press Brake Controller (RBPC) to address safeguarding Mechanical Single Speed, 2- Speed air-clutch, as well as mechanical friction clutch press brakes. The RBPC allows the older mechanical press brakes to meet the OSHA and ANSI control reliability requirements.
Press brakes are difficult machines to guard because the part’s flange profiles generally changes from step to step during the fabrication process. A standard set of safety light curtains can’t provide protection because of these varying part profiles. The ISB MERLIN 4000 is specifically designed to deal with all the challenges of safeguarding a press brake. Only the MERLIN concept, pioneered by ISB, can learn each flange profile while making your initial sample part and creates a window exactly the proper size and location required for each specific cycle. This opening may change from stroke to stroke automatically, completely determined by our processor, not your operator or set-up personnel. The end result is that you have the most productive and safest system that operates exclusively with ISB’s MX Safety light curtain columns, that are CE certified by TUV for Type 4 Functional Safety. All wiring boxes are UL listed.
Please contact us if we can help safeguard your machines. As always, your comments are welcome.
Tony Caruso
Vice President of Sales & Marketing
(Cell) 203 331-3938
Website; www.test.isblite.com
E-mail; tonyc@test.isblite.com