Making it safe; Two Chicago Dreis & Krump Hydraulic Powered Leaf Brakes recently retrofitted with ISB Merlin 4000 Safety Packages.
We recently completed installations of Merlin 4000 Systems on two Chicago D&K Hydraulic Powered Leaf Brakes at a plant in Delaware. What makes these leaf brakes even more challenging to safeguard is that they require a “Smart” safety light to protect the operator’s hands at the point of operation, while still allowing for fabrication of parts with varying side flange heights. When the part is being bent, we must also ensure that the operator is standing in the proper position so that the folding beam doesn’t strike the operators legs when it swings forward.
The Merlin 4000 has features built-in to allow for fabrication of parts on this type of machine with minimal impact on productivity while providing for a completely safe operation.
The ISB MERLIN 4000 is our newest design that is specifically designed to deal with all the challenges of safeguarding a press brake & related fabrication machines such as Folding Machines & Box + Pan Leaf Brakes. Only the MERLIN concept, pioneered by ISB, can learn each flange profile while making your initial sample part and creates a window exactly the proper size and location required for each specific cycle. This opening may change from stroke to stroke automatically, completely determined by our processor, not your operator or set-up personnel. The end result is that you have the most productive and safest system that operates exclusively with ISB’s MX Safety light curtain columns, that are CE certified by TUV for Type 4 Functional Safety. All wiring boxes are UL listed.
The Merlin 4000 has become the ultimate product for guarding Press Brakes, regardless of machine type, tooling, or material type and thickness.
Please take a few minutes to view the MERLIN 4000 Sales Video;
The Product Brochure can also be downloaded;
This system integration was developed and installed by one of ISB’s Authorized Representatives, Dan LaGreca
I.M. Services
Hatboro, Pennsylvania,
Don’t hesitate to contact us if we can help safeguard your machines. As always, your comments are welcome.
Tony Caruso
Vice President of Sales & Marketing
(Cell) 203 331-3938
Website; www.test.isblite.com
E-mail; tonyc@test.isblite.com